Ad-free experience and advanced browser extensions. I suppose it all boils down to the service that Amy's company provides for Home Care in Bayport MN. Bob is right that it often comes down to whether the two words are used as a single noun, in which case they usually (but not always) become a single word without hyphens. In other words, I would use two words in both cases, but when they become a single modifier, I'll use one word for the health version and separate the other with hyphens. The Stack Exchange network consists of 183 question and answer communities, including Stack Overflow, the largest and most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge and develop their careers.
Guardianship or position on behalf of a person who cares for someone when guardianship is the primary nature of the relationship. This relationship may or may not have a financial component. The most common term is what is certainly uncomfortable and ugly, what is careful. In a professional environment, the recipient is acceptable.
When writing or speaking in public, try to follow George Orwell's advice to use Anglo-Saxon terms whenever possible. This point is often overlooked by professionals, which is ironic when used by caregivers. Elderly, lay people or those who can barely read and write are offended by what they perceive as “lawyer language”, “handicapped language” or “left-wing nonsense”, to quote a few examples. It increases their sense of isolation, alienation and resistance.
The relationships of guardianship, position and family seem correct to me. The question of healthcare versus healthcare is always at stake; we are a Germanic language and certain combinations of words, especially the pairs of nouns and nouns, are getting closer and closer as we they make it more common.