What is it called to take care of the elderly?

A person who provides care for a very young, elderly, or sick person is known as a caregiver. If you ensure that your sick friend in New Canaan CT eats every day and is relatively comfortable, you are her caregiver. While many people who care for aging parents or other loved ones can provide excellent Home Care in New Canaan CT and maintain a healthy relationship, the stress and responsibilities faced by family caregivers can sometimes lead to unhealthy behaviors and relationships with the older family member. While caregivers aren't doctors, some have additional licenses and are referred to as home health aides. To clarify, caregivers, whether part-time employees, visiting professionals from a home care agency, or a related family member, provide personal services to the elderly and disabled.

Home care is a wonderful way to support an aging loved one who has unique needs and can even help them maintain a level of independence as they age. Adult day care can remedy loneliness through social interactions and provide psychological and behavioral benefits, especially for people with dementia. A personal caregiver can help you prepare meals, ensuring that the foods your loved one eats are nutritious and healthy and that they fit the diet recommended by a doctor. For them, it seems that caregivers could take control of every aspect of another person's life as if they had no agency.

Night caregivers work 8-12 hour shifts and stay alert while caring for loved ones 24 hours a day. For loved ones who are at the end of their lives, palliative care will help them to comfortably minimize symptoms, while the hospice caregiver reaffirms their life. However, the primary goal of a caregiver is to allow an older person to “age in their place” safely and with a sense of independence. While internal caregivers live in your loved one's place of residence, they only provide care for 16 hours a day.

Home care occurs when a professional caregiver moves into your home or the home of an aging family member. It causes irritability, anger, overwork, and critical and guilty feelings toward ourselves, not to mention fights, conflicts, and confrontations with family members over the care of a family member. Depending on the level of care your loved one needs, enrolling them in adult day care may be just what you and your older loved one need.

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