How do you help aging parents stay in their home?

These specially trained professionals can help you find resources to make your daily life easier.

Aging support at home · We have resources for aging Talk to a geriatric care manager.

They'll work with you to create a care plan and find the services you need, including Home Care in Alamo CA. Geriatric care managers can be especially helpful when family members live far away. Your doctor or other healthcare provider may recommend a geriatric care manager, or you can contact the Aging Life Care Association for a list of these professionals in your area. Studies show that 10% of adults aged 60 to 69 whose parents are still living will be their caregivers. Parents who have reached the age of 80 are often more likely to have chronic diseases and other disabilities.

More and more people are choosing not to be placed in centers and are helping their parents to stay at home. Tips for caring for aging parents at home can make this choice even easier. Next, it's important that you and your parents choose the right type of housing. If your parents live alone, it's important that they live close to you or other supportive family members or friends. If your parents want to stay home, consult authorized local home care agencies. Talk about your parents' circumstances and ask them lots of questions to make sure the agency is the right one.

If your parents are moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home, schedule a visit to make sure they feel comfortable in their new home. As your parents get older, there may come a time when they need to rely on you to take care of them, just as you trusted them. However, for a variety of reasons, from physical or mental health problems to financial problems, staying home doesn't always seem possible. A person may decide that a move is correct because they can no longer or do not want to manage the house.

Once you've helped your parents select the best care option for the elderly that meets their needs, call to organize care services. Depending on your parents' care needs and financial situation, programs such as Medicare or Medicaid can help pay for the costs of caring for the elderly. Mental health care is often one of the most overlooked tips for caring for older parents at home. If caring for aging parents at home isn't going to work, there are a variety of assisted living centers available. One of the most important tips to follow when caring for your aging parents is to not let caregiving take over your life.

When you're the primary caregiver for your aging parents, it's important to be prepared and find the best ways to help them. PACE is only available in certain areas, and eligibility is restricted to low-income adults over 55, usually those who are eligible for Medicare. There are several ways to make your environment more secure and easier to manage so that it meets your needs as you age. If you don't feel comfortable helping with this part of your parents' care, you can ask home care providers for help.

If you're not the best person to care for your aging parents, a friend or family member may be able and willing to offer you support. In some areas, local government or nonprofit organizations run an agency that connects local older volunteers with other older adults who need complementary care.

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